Antonio de Nebrija. Reglas de orthographía en la lengua castellana.

Palabras clave

Antonio de Nebrija
Spanish Renaissance linguistics
Grammar of Castilian
New World languages

Cómo citar

Malkiel, Y. . (2023). Antonio de Nebrija. Reglas de orthographía en la lengua castellana. Thesavrvs, 36(3), 649–651. Recuperado a partir de


The position of Antonio de Nebrija — to his contemporaries, Maestro Elio Antonio de Nebrixa or Lebrixa— as the founding father of Spanish Renaissance linguistics is firmly established; particularly, his grammar of Castilian — published, not insignificantly, in the crucial year 1492 — ranks deservedly as a gem of humanistic scholarship and has greatly influenced later thinking, not least as regards the subsequent recording and analysis of New World languages.



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